Structure determination from electron micrographs of two-dimensional crystals
By Vinzenz Unger and Anchi Cheng
The following section provides a general description how to analyze (low-dose) electron micrographs of two-dimensional crystals. In summary the whole procedure can be divided into 5 steps:
A number of examples are given to explain the effect of certain procedures and to illustrate the impact of inaccurately determined image parameter. All examples are taken from a study investigating the structure of a recombinant gap junction channel. The larger thickness (>150Å) of this specimen causes some of the illustrated effects to be very pronounced. If a thin specimen (~ 80Å thick) is analyzed some of these effects are more subtle yet it seemed more reasonable to give examples that are easy to understand.
Following this general account is a more detailed description of the current MRC program package that also provides some more in depth information about how to optimize the processing steps. Finally, a number of explicit protocols can be found at the end of this chapter. The protocols cover only the basic routines due to space limitations.