The spot list is used to generate the reference for the unbending.
SpotList Determination
Protect currently existing spotlist [ProtSpotLis]
This option allows to decide whether the spotlist generated should be protected from overwriting.
Source of spots [spot_source]
Define where the spotlist should come from. FFT of image is running MMBOX over the FFT of the raw image. The second option creates a full set of all spots within the resolution ranges. The third option does nothing, which only makes sense if the spotlist has been determined before. If not, the third option defaults back to the first one. Also see spots.
IQMAX1 - Highest IQ value for consideration as spot for Unbend I [IQMAX1]
The highest IQ value that is still accepted as spot. These are the Henderson IQ spot classifications (1-9). Use 3,4 or 5.
IQMAX - Highest IQ value for consideration as spot for later Unbending [IQMAX]
The highest IQ value that is still accepted as spot. These are the Henderson IQ spot classifications (1-9). Use 5, 6 or 7.
Max HK values for SpotList Generation [spotrefine_IHKmax]
This parameter defines the highest H and K values of the spots in the search for the spotlist to be determined. You can use this parameter to prevent a too large number of spots.
Filter spotlist with second lattice [spot_filter]
Define if from the determined spotlist some spots should be filtered out, by removing spots from the list that are too close to the second (bad) lattice. If you activate this function, then the parameter Spotlist filter exclusion radius defines the filter radius. Also see spots.
Spotlist filter exclusion radius [spot_exclusion_radius]
This parameter applies if you want to filter the spotlist, by removing all spots that are closer than a given distance from a node of the second lattice. All spotlist spots on the primary lattice, that are closer than the specified distance in pixels to a node of the second lattice, are removed from the spotlist. Also see spots.