Setting up server

Focus remote monitoring works on an Apache server. An Apache server is very easy to setup and there are a lot of tutorials on the web which provides this documentation. Following link provides official documentation:

Apache HTTP Documentation

Once the server is setup, HTML/PHP/Javascript files included in the Focus package are to be copied and other settings can be configured. Text below provides this information.

Copy the files to server

First of all copy the following files from the source code to the root of the server:

cp -r <focus_source_code>/web/status/* <server_root>/

where <focus_source_code> is the path where focus source code is present and <server_root> is path of the root of the server.

Configure the settings

The configuration can be changed in the file “config.php”. This file exists on the <server_root> and you just copied it there in the last step. Following properties are configurable:

  • Title: Title that appears in the meta tags
  • Website: Link to your home website
  • Refresh Interval: Number of seconds after which the page will be refreshed
  • Analytics tracking id: Google analtics tracking id (in want to track on Google Analytics)
  • Microscopes: Array containing the microscope id that are to be monitored (the same id has to be provided in the Focus software)

The logo can be changed by changing the file 'company_logo.png' located in the logos folder.