Configuring Focus for remote monitoring

Focus has to be notified to collect the data. The data is first collected in a folder locally which is then pushed to server.

Writing the files

The settings to collect data can be changed in the Preferences window of Focus which looks like following:

Here, change “Update status data” to “Yes” and provide the path to a local folder where the files are to be collected.

Uploading the files

The files can be uploaded to the server using the script 'upload_status' located in the following folder:


Webdav client “cadaver” is used to upload the files. This has to separately installed and the correct path is to be set in the Preferences window in Focus. A .netrc file on the home folder is used to provide the login details for automatic login. See cadaver man page for details.

This script can be used in the following way:

sh upload_status <path_to_cadaver_executable> <url_of_server> <microscope_id(Same as on server config)> <path_to_status_dir(where data is collected locally)>

Now, this uploading can be automatically done by Focus software by using following settings:

  • Server refresh interval >=1 (Number of minutes after which upload will be done)
  • Webdav access address = server address
  • Microscope tag/identifier = microscope_id (without spaces)

If in case, cadaver is not available, the script upload_status can be adapted according to available software.